Friday, May 14, 2010


Mrs Schroder headed down to Cass Square to watch the rugby. She watched Kiwi and Wests play each other. Lots of children from Room 1 and 2 were playing. They ran hard and did some awesome ripping. There was good passing and some great tries scored. Well done guys.


  1. Hi Room 2

    We like the pictures of the rugby. Quinn, Charlie and Jake all played in this game.
    From Room One

  2. Hi Room 2

    We liked your rugby pictures. Quinn, Jake and Charlie all played in this game.

    From Room 1

  3. Liam Nixon wants to say thanks to his teacher for comeing along to watch the kids play ruby he thinks that was cool.

  4. On Saturday, I went to rugby and when I tried to catch a ripper it gets away. Its fun, I always enjoy the rugby.
