Sunday, December 26, 2010


I hope you all had a great Christmas. I was very spoilt and got perfume and jewellery and CHOCOLATE and books. What did Santa bring you guys.
I went to Akaroa (by Christchurch) for a couple of days after school finished. Have any of you been away or are planning on going away?

Thursday, December 9, 2010


What a wonderful time we had at Shantytown. It  would've been so different being a child in Victorian Times.
What do you think would be different to what it is like for you now.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ballet Recital

Well done Kelly and Isabella. What wonderful ballerinas you were!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

School Show

On  wednesday we had a school  show and it  was  called the 5  Gold rings. It was about the 12ays of Christmas. We were the 11 ladies and the 12 lords and we did funnkytown in the school show.It went for an hour but some of us liked sitting for a long time. Room 2 had lots of fun doing  the funnkytown at the  school play and the audience clapped.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Algebra Patterns

We made this video when working with Mrs Schroder (number 2). We found patterns and then described them.


Tomorrow we are going to be looking at using similies in our writing. A simile is a comparison made between two things that are not alike in most ways, but are alike in one important way. In a simile, the words “like” or “as” are used to signal that a comparison is being made between the two things.

Anyway here is a cool little video a found which will help us learn all about similes.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The School Fair

Last Sunday there was a fair at St Mary's School. Some of the activities you could do were.... lucky dip, the hoop game, face painting (as you can see) and there was going to be lots more but it was raining. There were lots of items for you to buy like... toys,clothes, books, jewellery, tools, and you could get lots of things to eat.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Digital space pictures for our calendars

We have finished our space pictures to be used for our calendars. Our parents can by calanders or cards or diaries with our pictures on them.
Whe we made our art works we were looking at four things:
1 & 2. Our photo needed to show action and expression that matched our bacground.
3 & 4. Our picture was to be not too busy and use lifelike colours.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our new cross

Tessa Lyes and Paul Price organised their art class to make crosses for all of the rooms at St Marys.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pia on Skype

Pia has been at home sick this week. On Friday we skyped her at home and she did her spelling test with us.

Zinny came to visit

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Room 2's Solar System

We are learning about space so today we pretended to be the planets and the sun and the earth's moon. Then we went around the sun, and the moon went around the earth. We had to stay the same distance from the sun the whole way around.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chilie Miners

Isabella told  us today about the miners in Chilie that have been stuck in an underground mine. Lots of us knew some other information. Make a comment below on something you know about the miners.
We have just looked at the news and there is one miner left to be brought up.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Day Out

Wow what an afternoon. I don't know how you feel Room 2 but I am exhausted.
Kei te pehea koe? Kei te ngenge ahau.


Well done Room 2 on you beautiful singing. I was very very impressed with your manners as you sat patiently and watched the other items.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Last Wednesday two people from NZ Cricket came and took us for cricket skills.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Izzy's Ballet

Good luck for your ballet tomorrow Isabella.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Westland High came to Room 2

Westland High school Room 8H came to our class today. They read us a story and some of them brought them from their school or from home. They asked us questions about what we liked, what we want in our book and what type of story we like. They are going to make us a book about what we like.

To Miss Lyell

Hi from Room 2. We hope you get better soon. We read your comment on the blog.You are a fun teacher and we miss you.

Don Neale came to visit

On Monday Mr Neale came to visit Room 2. He showed us about the marine life on the West Coast. He used the whiteboard to show us lots of photos. Don talked to us about how to look after the sea and the beach and everything that lives in it. He also showed us a dolphin skull. After that we went outside and measured how long a blue whale is (30m).
Make a comment below and tell us at least one thing you learnt from Don's presentation.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Social Justice Week

This week is about Creating inclusive and connected communities. We will be reading the story of the good samaritan and talking about being a good neighbour.

We will talk about what it is like to be new to the town and how we can make these people feel welcome.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You looked like you were having heaps of fun with Miss Lyell playing games. I really like the one where you had to keep quiet. I didn't do very well at that did I?
Who is going to help Izzy and Shari to the hospital?

Quin defending the cone. Will Cam get it?

World Literacy Day

What did you dress up as?

I wonder what other schools around the world did?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pia's Earthquake Story

On Friday there was a earthquake. Mummy was shouting 'Earthquake'! It was Papa's first earthquake.
The day after Mum, Dad, Papa, Nana and Else were shaking because they were scared. In Christchurch it was a catastrophe. Lucky our chickens were alright. Cars were squashed, houses fell down. There was lots of damage. Even Hamish's bed rocked and rolled. Mum was so scared she screeched . Hamish's bed must have fun jumping about. I don't think Hamish thought it was fun lying on an excited bed. I just lie down on my bed and fall asleep.

By Pia

Earthquake Experiment

What we do when there is an earthquake at school.

STOP, DROP go under a desk and HOLD onto it.

until Mrs Schroder says it is safe to go out to the field and line up to call the roll.

If you are outside stay outside. Move away from windows, trees into an open area.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Lots of you were telling me at mass that you felt the earthquake early this morning. I felt it but my daughter Kodi slept right through it. Do you know what causes an earthquake? How did you feel?
 Leave a comment below and we will talk about it next week at school.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Daffodil Day

Last Friday we went to daffodil day.We had to dress up in yellow.We had to bring money for the kids who had cancer.The people who brought money had to put the money on the daffodil.The people who had no yellow wore their school uniform. By Shari and Jake

Monday, August 23, 2010

Whales stranded on Karikari beach

Today we looked at photos of the whales that became stranded on the beach in the North Island. Nearly 60 whales were stranded with 15 survivors. Here is a photo of them transporting one of the whales to another beach to refloat it.

They have to put wet towels and cold water on their fins and flukes to cool them down. Whales have lots of blubber which can keep them warm in the cool water but out of the water they can overheat very quickly.
Noone really knows why they mass strand however some people say that as they travel in large pods if one of the whales gets sick and doesnt know where it is going the others will all follow and they may end up on the beach. Another idea is that they may strand themselves on purpose if they have an illness within the group and they will die so as not to pass it on. Ask around see what you can find out.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Visit to the beach

What is happening to the beach by the Tambo?

Why do you think the rocks are here?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Religious Education homework

We have been learning about the sacrament of baptism this week. Could everyone make sure pages 37 - 39 are complete please. The new children to Room 1 have been given copies of these pages. RE books must be back at school each morning.

Here is Andrea, Neve, Jasmine and Amelia sharing some of their baptism mementos.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Last week we started PMP. We have it on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Our parents come and help so if you have some spare time at 2.15 on these days please come.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hi Aoibheann

In Room 2 we have 4 new children and they have come from Room1. They are Quinn, Jake, Dani and Amelia. We are missing you and want to know when you will be coming home.:)
We go to Music at 10.00am on Tuesdays and PMP on Tuesday,Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2.30pm.
We liked the picture of you and look forward to hearing all about your trip.

From Room 2 xxoo

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rm 2 at Music

On Tuesday mornings at 10am Room 2 go to music with Mrs McMillian.