Friday, October 22, 2010

Pia on Skype

Pia has been at home sick this week. On Friday we skyped her at home and she did her spelling test with us.


  1. hope you get better soon pia. we all miss you by aoibheann.

  2. skyping Pia was fun, We have skype at our house and sometime we skype My aunty Annie in london and its nice to see them my cousin George sing songs to us.
    From Liam

  3. Wow that sounds cool Room 2 and Pia, what a great idea. We will have to try and use Skype too, maybe one day we could Skype you and say hi from Kuranui School, Matamata.

  4. Pia was sick so we skyped her. Sometimes I skype my nana.

  5. I really enjoyed when room 2 skyped Pia, isn't it good to know that if you are sick you can still do your spelling words! by Mrs S
