Sunday, December 26, 2010


I hope you all had a great Christmas. I was very spoilt and got perfume and jewellery and CHOCOLATE and books. What did Santa bring you guys.
I went to Akaroa (by Christchurch) for a couple of days after school finished. Have any of you been away or are planning on going away?

Thursday, December 9, 2010


What a wonderful time we had at Shantytown. It  would've been so different being a child in Victorian Times.
What do you think would be different to what it is like for you now.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ballet Recital

Well done Kelly and Isabella. What wonderful ballerinas you were!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

School Show

On  wednesday we had a school  show and it  was  called the 5  Gold rings. It was about the 12ays of Christmas. We were the 11 ladies and the 12 lords and we did funnkytown in the school show.It went for an hour but some of us liked sitting for a long time. Room 2 had lots of fun doing  the funnkytown at the  school play and the audience clapped.