Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Day Out

Wow what an afternoon. I don't know how you feel Room 2 but I am exhausted.
Kei te pehea koe? Kei te ngenge ahau.


Well done Room 2 on you beautiful singing. I was very very impressed with your manners as you sat patiently and watched the other items.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Last Wednesday two people from NZ Cricket came and took us for cricket skills.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Izzy's Ballet

Good luck for your ballet tomorrow Isabella.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Westland High came to Room 2

Westland High school Room 8H came to our class today. They read us a story and some of them brought them from their school or from home. They asked us questions about what we liked, what we want in our book and what type of story we like. They are going to make us a book about what we like.

To Miss Lyell

Hi from Room 2. We hope you get better soon. We read your comment on the blog.You are a fun teacher and we miss you.

Don Neale came to visit

On Monday Mr Neale came to visit Room 2. He showed us about the marine life on the West Coast. He used the whiteboard to show us lots of photos. Don talked to us about how to look after the sea and the beach and everything that lives in it. He also showed us a dolphin skull. After that we went outside and measured how long a blue whale is (30m).
Make a comment below and tell us at least one thing you learnt from Don's presentation.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Social Justice Week

This week is about Creating inclusive and connected communities. We will be reading the story of the good samaritan and talking about being a good neighbour.

We will talk about what it is like to be new to the town and how we can make these people feel welcome.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You looked like you were having heaps of fun with Miss Lyell playing games. I really like the one where you had to keep quiet. I didn't do very well at that did I?
Who is going to help Izzy and Shari to the hospital?

Quin defending the cone. Will Cam get it?

World Literacy Day

What did you dress up as?

I wonder what other schools around the world did?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pia's Earthquake Story

On Friday there was a earthquake. Mummy was shouting 'Earthquake'! It was Papa's first earthquake.
The day after Mum, Dad, Papa, Nana and Else were shaking because they were scared. In Christchurch it was a catastrophe. Lucky our chickens were alright. Cars were squashed, houses fell down. There was lots of damage. Even Hamish's bed rocked and rolled. Mum was so scared she screeched . Hamish's bed must have fun jumping about. I don't think Hamish thought it was fun lying on an excited bed. I just lie down on my bed and fall asleep.

By Pia

Earthquake Experiment

What we do when there is an earthquake at school.

STOP, DROP go under a desk and HOLD onto it.

until Mrs Schroder says it is safe to go out to the field and line up to call the roll.

If you are outside stay outside. Move away from windows, trees into an open area.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Lots of you were telling me at mass that you felt the earthquake early this morning. I felt it but my daughter Kodi slept right through it. Do you know what causes an earthquake? How did you feel?
 Leave a comment below and we will talk about it next week at school.